How I am making 2020 work, despite EVERYTHING

Grace Wacuka blogs for the first time! 2020 has been insane. I was living at the place of my dreams, ‘International House’ in New York City, in my first year of my master’s program at Columbia University, when, in a series of events, the COVID-crisis caused the admin evicted us. That’s a story on its own. At the time, I was injured in my toe and wanted to resolve that before going back to Kenya. That happened in early Feb by participating in an exercise in class that involved us jumping in the air and landing on our toes.

By doing so, I inflamed a little bone in the joint of my toe and could not walk for about a month. Google, ‘sesamoiditis’ and you’ll see. Anyway, not great/great toe, I packed my belongings and went to Massachusetts to live with a friend, for what I thought was for a month and ended up staying there for five months.

Yep. Thanks again for housing me, fellow human.

Massachusetts chronicles…

After this, my toe wasn’t resolving, and its cousin the knee pain was not resolving either. Due to the pandemic, the governments had shut down lots of clinicis so it took some time to see doctors, which thank goodness, happened. Fast forward to September; I left Massachusetts and am now living with my uncle in Georgia, still in treatment for my feet and knee, with the word ‘surgery’ still looking around ‘possibly’ fixing the toe. The timeline of healing isn’t clear, still, but I have pathways to getting better. Since the timeline wasn’t clear, I am on medical leave from my university. 1 year to get my life together!

The High, Highs

One good thing that did happen this year is that I made a step forward artistically. Details soon following!

How I’m making 2020 count

Earlier this year, I wrote a book, from an idea I’ve held for a long time. The book is called: “Letters to My Sister: A Story of Hope in the Middle of Crisis” and I am now trying to figure out how to move it forward. The other project that’s now rolling is releasing the “I am Wacuka Story Project” an E.P of music I’ve held onto for an embarrassing period of time. This past week, I released the first track, “Run Dem,” which is a fun track about being in control- an ironic piece of art that I thought would inspire someone to keep dancing, regardless of how out of control everything feels. Releasing the next song has been semi-stressful. Honestly, everything right now is pretty stressful. But I’m hanging in there!

To help my mind, I’ve also been in individual and group therapy, which I’ve done on and off for years. I’m also a huge self development fan so I’m obviously reading books that are helping me move forward, and have been spending a lot of time listening to sermons. I have recently found joy in the pastor Andrew Wommack. I love his theology though, though I don’t agree with his politics. He has an incredible series called “God wants you well” from his 2010 archives that quite honestly just listening to has given me pain-free days. I’m also on a 30 day no complaining challenge from a book I read months ago. That has been an incredible revolution; most especially because it takes most people 4 months to do 30 days of no complaining! I’m on Day 1 for the 6th month I believe. And I’m thinking of starting a self-development focused youtube channel- since I’m so passionate about it.

Anything I’m digging right now?

Even though I’m not a fan of social media, I just elected to participate in Heidi Dean’s “Insta-Actors course”. I’ve also been watching too much Vampire Diaries, after having concluded The 100. And Andrew Wommack is currently jazzing my life. That, and Physical therapy, doctors, and recovery. I trust that I’ll be okay 100% so don’t worry.

Feel free to write to me, support the recent release via a pay as you wish to download, or dm me anyone who might want to support me’s email. And as always, follow Grace Wacuka via subscribing to see how this story unfolds!